A log for the dwarf fortress Copper Market.
I have decided that this fortress needs an entrance. One that is both grand and defensive. I have set the dwarves to start digging it, so that it may be completed before my reign is through.
Before the spring thaw, it was decided to increase the size of the army. Sadly, A dwarf named “Cilob Timnarobok” decided that it was a good time to stand on a lake. He sadly fell in and drowned, while holding a silver battle axe. The Captain of the Guard was grief stricken, blinking on and off, trying but failing due to dangerous terrain over and over to get this axe. He was forbidden to retrieve any of Cilob’s belonging. The Captain is having a memorial service this week for the fallen axe.
Nomal Akmamkubuk the Hunter felled a black bear this week. The eating will be good.
I have decided that this place is too… blocky. It will be smoothed, in the name of Armok.
Vabok Ilonuzol the Blacksmith has been taken by a mood, and has claimed a Metal smith. I will do my best to provide him what he need, but understand that sometimes stone walls are the only option.
Without going insane, he has create a…… BRONZE CABINET
Thanks to the many ambushes, we have lost our entire army. Twice. There are now 4 goblins, who sit outside chasing the cats, and slaying all of the brave souls who are sent in after them. Hopefully they will be cleared before the next merchants come.
On the bright side, a blacksmith has started a mysterious construction in the metal shop. Which got us a bronze short sword:
It turns out that the goblins have left, which is good. For the human merchants that have arrived anyways.
Wait, no, there's a siege now.
We have locked the enemies outside, letting the siege pass at least until our front door is ready for them. Sadly, the human merchants who made it inside at the last moment were unwilling to eat our dwarven food, and went insane. The donkey was especially bad off, becoming very agitated and attack the nearby humans. Luckily, an axe human still had enough wits to kill the donkey.
A visitor came today. Seemed very… steamy.
Another fey mood, another metal item, made for our hunter who killed the bear (it’s funny how the bear get’s more grizzly with every story) and two of the forgotten beasts we have seen.
There have been rumors of some type of earthworm that has been heard rumbling, and seen through the well in the bottommost level. My assumption that some type of hallucinations are being caused by the… water *shudder* they have been drinking.
Migrants have arrived. They will be great additions to the army of builders for the new hall.
The Goblins ambushed us. Luckily, the Kobolds did so at the exact same time and place. They… don’t like each other.
And thus a very constructive year comes to an end. The main hall, which most of the dwarves were diverted to, is finished, aside from hooking a couple of things up, and a lever that is being pulled as we speak.
First thing that was finished is the The bridge of crossing, which will make our foes cross this long, winding bridge before they will ever reach the inner depths of our fortress
If still needs some mild smoothing, and a finishined 3 wide retractable grate bridge, but other wise it is there. The mechanics have been ordered to connect the grates to a lever in the lever room, however due to his short memory (I believe the alcohol is having an adverse effect on the population), he has not yet been told to connect the leftmost grate.
Above the bridge, is the mandatory trap:
These bridges are right over the tiny little bridge below. When they are opened, the water will rush out, pushing any on the bridge 6z pit.
This is the pinnacle of dwarven technology. A water reactor, which produces more energy then it takes to run it! As you can see, the reactor is then connected to a row of pumps, to help speed up the fill of the flood cistern. I assume that grates would be nice to add, but I never got around to adding them. Luckily, winter ice makes it so that you can drain the access area at will. The levers above control the reactor and pumps. They are labeled for the convenience of the next mayor/despot.
The next is the entrance seal:
This is a suspended block that will be able to seal off the fortress in times of great peril. Due to a mistake in dwarven construction, or entrance is mildly too open at the moment, so this will do nothing. Luckily, this is currently being fixed by a dwarf sent to pull a lever for the following two blocks:
Which will seal off the dwarf made entrances that shouldn’t have been there.
We do have a haunting from a ghost currently, due to the many deaths of 4 squads or so of dwarves, that we did not have the coffin capacity for:
Luckily, the only requirement is that they are put to rest. The mason’s are supposedly right on that.
There is currently an ambush outside, we just kind’ve ignore them with a tightened door:
We also closed the downstairs well, due to rumors that it was haunted by Vesh, and also my dwarven ideals when it comes to water:
With that, I go to find a room to stay in. Hopefully far away from any crazy Despot’s who come in the future.
Upon disembarking from our wagons we were greeted with the biting cold of the mountain lands that would be our new home "Market Copper". I set the dwarves to work immediately chopping down wood and clearing out an underground farm near several frozen ponds which we will then breach when this winter freeze has thawed. Let us hope our supply of food and alcohol holds us until then and our beards do not freeze off.
Spring's warmth has finally graced us and the snow and ice has begun to thaw. I had our miner breach the side of the pond flood our farms and depositing the rich invaluable mud. We quickly patched this hole up with a wall continued excavation this time for an underground cistern and well.
Just after dawn a half dozen raccoons appeared in the distance and they appear to be heading straight towards our loot pile.
We managed to kill several of the raccoons before one made off with an axe and another with rope.
The well has been successfully completed. Now we are no longer dependent on our crops of mushrooms fermented in stale cave water for drink.
Tragedy has truck Market Copper today. A roaming sasquatch necessitated creating a make shift military. The first brave dwarf Etur Stinthadzuglar who arrived to the sasquatch was killed in the line of duty. We were unable to catch the sasquatch after a frantic chase that took many hours. Eventually the beast left and we solemnly laid Etur to rest.
These past months have been relatively uneventful. I started hollowing out a large portion of the earth for additional storage and workshops and cursory dig into the stone to begin construction of a more proper fortress.