It seems like as soon as i started a huge wave of migrants came in. 23 new men women and children have decided to join CM in the hopes to find a new life. Construction of new rooms has begun, though the current rooming pattern confused me for a while, i was able to figure it out.... i think.
Just when i was getting in the groove of making things work, just started making steel bars and was going to start making some steel battle axes/spears, i get ambushed by five goblin spear men. things don't look too good. i might lose at least one man. Not only am i to receive the first ambush, but during this ambush an elven caravan shows up AND a thief starts to steal from me. All within the first season.
To make matters worse, the glitch where the military decides to keep training even when they are commanded to attack is still active. So i had to deactivate the barracks in order for them to do anything. So far so good.... >.<

Before i could even finish construction of the new rooms for the 23 new migrants, a new load of 7 showed up. hopefully some of them will have some helpful abilities.
So i was unable to trade with the elven caravan and they were all pissed at me because of it. Right when the human caravan comes to give me a second chance, i get ambushed again! at least this time i have some spear/axe dwarfs who are more or less trained (adequate or novice) with steel or iron weapons. we'll see how it goes this time!
This battle did not turn out any better than last. My military is down to two dwarfs, and the Giant Scorpion has fallen. My next task now is to retrain a suitable military and make some disk traps in our entrance. Also, it seems that in the confusion of an ambush, one of my own dwarfs (an engineer no less) has fallen into our own cage traps. This speaks well for the competency of the fort. That was the end of my second season.

The influx of migrants seems to be pretty constant. Another dozen or so migrants. Most notably a trader and a suturer. So at least the hospital will be a little more helpful.
After i realized that no one was releasing my dwarven engineer from the cage, i removed the building which freed him. Unfortunately he is now dying of starvation, thirst, and is unable to grasp anything. And nobody is bringing him to the hospital... Poor guy. He has officially died of thirst. So much for helping him out.
Due to the loss of the giant scorpion i've decided to replace it with the hippo. Supposed to be a lot harder to kill, and can knock enemies on the ground. so that should be helpful. I've also been forced to create a tomb for all the fallen members of our fort. It's on the same layer as the barracks. I feel like this will give them a constant reminder of what will happen if they don't train as hard as they can.

New trade caravan has come in. Dwarfs this time. Hopefully this doesn't lead to another ambush. This would be my third and i'm not fully prepared yet. While the gear is getting better, the skill is still too low. The militia commander is a proficient axedwarf, but everyone else is either novice or not axe dwarf so far. i've taken advantage of the dwarven caravan and stocked up on a lot of booze for the fort, along with some steel and bronze to help trap and armor making along. within a short amount of time everyone in the military should have a steel breastplate.
Winter rolls around and i feel rushed to do as much as possible, but i don't know what else to do really that time wont take care of. the food supply is sustained, and even too much really. I need more barrels to hold all of it. Booze production is at a stand still because of the lack of barrels. I want a stronger army, but that takes time from them just training. If i were attacked right now i know i'd lose a lot of my militia due to lack of skill. other than that things have been going pretty well. we'll see what happens this last month.
Just when i thought i was home free, thinking two ambushes would be enough, nope. that's not enough. i have to get the first forgotten beast as well. He doesn't seem too hard, but it'll basically be one on one since i only have one proficient fighter and the rest are all still learning. but he has a steel battle axe and a steel breastplate, so i think he'll be okay....

GG you little bitch. See you in hell. I sent my militia to meet him right when he came in contact with the hippo. The timing was perfect, he didn't stand a chance. There were some injuries, but really the best outcome i could think of happening happened. so yay for that.

And as soon as celebrations are finished for the victory over the last battle, another FB shows up. Luckily it is in the caves and there should be no entrances from the cave to my fort. There are a few holes that were made from the stairway down, but i patched those up with wall.... hopefully it can't fly (even though it has wings) and it can't destroy the walls. and it seems that because of the inaccessibility of my fort, he disappeared as quickly as he showed up. he's no longer on the unit list, most likely lurking in undiscovered locations in the cavern.
In the ending months i checked the unit list many times looking for the FB to show up again. He would come and go but with no direction in his step. So for now we're good, but it's definitely sure that the first dwarf to open a path to the cave better run quickly, because that's going to be a big fight.
Nice work! There should have already been a well made. I am so excited we have steel now.